Neighbourhood Area

Having decided to embark on a Neighbourhood Plan, the next step was to decide on the area that it should cover (known as The Neighbourhood Area).  In making our choice, we wanted to adopt an approach that included the whole community including those located beyond the main settled area of the village. We were also very aware that a large area of the Parish is covered by environmentally sensitive sites with special planning designations. These influence what happens now and will continue to influence what happens in the future.

On balance it was felt that it would be difficult to achieve a sound plan by excluding any particular areas. It therefore made sense to try and include the whole Parish and after discussion with the Borough it was agreed that the Parish Council (the Qualifying Body) would proceed with an application to have the whole parish designated.

The application was made, a list of consultees was drawn up and the Borough Council put in hand the necessary consultation arrangements. Following the end of the six week consultation period, no objections had been received and the area included within the parish boundary was therefore formally designated as the Neighbourhood Area enabling the real work on the Holme-next-the-Sea Neighbourhood Plan to proceed in earnest.

Formal details of the consultation can be found on the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk website .  These include a map of the designated area, all e-mail comments and documents from those statutory consultees who provided supporting advice.