Neighbourhood Planning

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Plans were introduced through the 2011 Localism Act. They enable local communities to develop a shared vision for the future of their own area. Once adopted our Neighbourhood Plan will be incorporated into the Local Development Framework for Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and the policies it contains can be used in the determination of planning applications.

Why should we have a Neighbourhood Plan?

Without a Neighbourhood Plan we will have little influence over any future development that takes place in Holme-next-the-Sea. Furthermore, the Parish Council will receive a smaller share of community funds collected from eligible new developments via the Community Infrastructure Levy.

What can a Neighbourhood Plan do?

Neighbourhood Plans cannot block development that is already allocated through the Local Plan, but because they can shape where that development will go and what it will look like both developers and local authority planners will have to take notice of it. Having a Neighbourhood Plan means:

  • Choosing where new homes and other development should be built
  • Influencing how development should be laid out and what buildings should look like
  • Identifying and protecting valued green spaces or other locally valued or historic assets

 What are the ingredients of a successful Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan should adopt a positive approach. This includes:

  • A vision shared by the whole community for future development of the Parish
  • Contributing to sustainable development – social, environmental and economic
  • Supporting national planning policies and guidance
  • Demonstrating general conformity with the strategic policies in the Local Plan
  • Compatibility with certain EU legislation on the environment and conservation
  • Not having a significant effect on       European sites that support       special habitats or species

 How does Neighbourhood Planning work in practice?

In Holme-next-the-Sea, the Parish Council is taking the lead and a Working Party comprising a mix of Parish Councillors and parishioners is actively involved in taking forward the programme of tasks.

The Local Planning Authority (Kings Lynn &West Norfolk Borough Council) also must be involved in the process in the three main ways:

  • Making decisions at key stages of the process eg in approving the area over which the Neighbourhood Development Plan will have effect
  • Arranging an independent examination of the plan
  • Organising a community referendum that is an important milestone at the end of the process. This allows those that are entitled to vote in the Neighbourhood Area to decide whether or not they are in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan. If more than 50% of the votes cast support the plan it can go forward for adoption as part of the Local Development Framework.